The acronym VUCA has been in fashion for a few years. For those unfamiliar, VUCA is the English initial for the terms volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Therefore, these are situations where uncertainty is present. Although until now we can say that this concept had some relevance in our day-to-day life, right now, the situation we are experiencing makes it very important.

We are living a time of great uncertainty in many areas that means that we have to give the best of each one of us to face the situations that we are encountering. In my opinion, it is essential to face them as serenely as possible and with a positive and constructive attitude. The solution asks to know ourselves well and to extract our essence.

It often happens to us that under certain circumstances we feel that the solution does not depend on us. Indeed, there are times when this is true and there is little we can do. However, I am convinced that in many cases we do have the capacity to influence. We have in our hands the option of choosing which path we want to follow; that of a person who makes excuses, who blames others for their problems and who settles in the complaint, or, in a totally different view, that of a person who feels like a protagonist, who accepts reality, faces situations and find solutions constructively …

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