Pau Guarro, Managing Director of BETWEEN, and Arantxa Juan, Marketing Manager, talked on Ràdio4 about how BETWEEN works on Employer Branding, in other words, the brand as an employer. On the programme “Metròpoli”, on the Més que feina” (More than work) section, they delved into issues such as: the importance of this concept, the new needs of millennials in the labour market or the keys of Employer Branding.Pau Guarro, Director General, y Arantxa Juan, Marketing Manager, han contado en Ràdio4, cómo trabajamos el Employer Branding en BETWEEN


Pau Guarro: “as a company we always try to provide workers who are not satisfied with an answer. Transparency is vital”


Pau Guarro (Managing Director) explained the importance of always providing workers who are not satisfied with an answer, because transparency is a basic pillar of Employer Branding. Precisely on this issue, Arantxa Juan (Marketing Manager) said that “we are one of the few companies that specify the salary in job offers. We believe that transparency should not only be a value that is mentioned on the website, but we should lead by example”.



From left to right: Ignasi Rafel, Xavier Collado. Pau Guarro and Arantxa Juan.