On 15 April, Solid Engineering took part in an external audit on the quality of education that the Agency for the Quality of the University System (AQU) was undertaking at the Technical College of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (ETSEIB). The objective of this type of audit is to guarantee the highest quality of education is being taught at Catalonian institutions.

Solid Engineering was involved as it is a company that employs diverse graduates from this university. During the event, students and graduates, as well as professors and prospective employers, were interviewed, so that each of them was able to provide their vision and present the advantages and shortcomings of the current educational system.

As an employing company, Solid Engineering contributed their views on the competences and skills acquired by students throughout their degree with regards to their suitability for work, on their satisfaction level on the relationship between the expected education profile and real training, and finally, a comparative study of graduates from other colleges and universities was carried out.

This audit session was also attended by representatives from other employers, including SEAT (Ana Artal and Olga Iglesias, from the Internship Management Program), IDOM (David Zaragoza), ACCENTURE (Marta Moreno- HR) and ROVALMA, all of whom provided information and reflections about the profiles of the students that they generally hire.