Last May 3rd Between Barcelona celebrated its first Welcome Day, an event for new Betweeners. The aim is to welcome new employees and make them get to know into more detail Between Technology’s corporate identity.

This kind of event partly responds to the continuous growth of the human team at the company. Between Technology’s philosophy is to keep direct contact with employees (most of them outsourced in different projects). The Welcome Day is the perfect way to make Betweeners feel identified with the company, at the same time that they get to know personally other professionals with a similar profile.

The Welcome Day, which will be initially taking place every four months, embraces new employees that have joined Between during the previous half year. Through an email call, they are invited to visit the office in an after-work schedule (from 6PM to 8.30 PM).

After a guided tour of Between Technology’s headquarters, new Betweeners attending the event took part in a presentation and a group dynamic in order to get to know each other. Later on, they were explained what Between’s culture and corporate values are all about.

The event closed up in a more casual mood with the Beer Time, where they all enjoyed some snacks and drinks. It was the perfect time for getting to know new colleagues they will be seeing again in the coming Between Summer Night.