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Meet Marta Giménez and the commitment to training in BETWEEN

Do you know who is behind the email address formacion@wordpressbt.test? MARTA GIMENEZ is one of the people making possible that you get the chance to grow at BETWEEN Technology. She is responsible for planning and managing all your betweener training courses.

She has been working at BETWEEN for two years. She started as an intern recruiter in Barcelona’s office and later on, she joined the internal HR department.

In this interview, Marta explains to us in detail the importance of employee training, Between’s bet on it, and the different training options offered by the company.

Why do you think that training in companies is important?

Training is the best resource for developing employees’ talent and, at the same time, their motivation and professional development decision-making capacity grow. If we add the fact that we work in the technology sector, training becomes an indispensable tool.

But, does Between bet on training?

Yes, it does, and the figures prove it. So far, this year, 168 betweeners have taken part in at least one training, that is 48% of the employees. Out of the 100 formative actions that have been completed in 2017, 60% of them have been suggested by BETWEEN (requested by Managers/Accounts, or through open calls), which means that they have been of no cost for the employee. The remaining 40% of these actions have been individual employee applications, of which BETWEEN has subsidised part or its total cost. Our goal for the coming years is to find out what your training needs are in order to be able to cover them in an organised manner.

So, at a practical level, what does a betweener need to do to enrol in a training course?

When a betweener wants to register for a training course, there are two things that can be done: either wait for one of Between’s proposals, or suggest a training action. In the first case, the betweener should check his/her corporate email, and sign up when a call for a training of his/her interest is open, since all betweeners can join these courses; hence the importance of checking on a regular basis all communications being made through the email or the YOU platform (communications section), since it is the place where we publish those trainings that are available for all employees. In the second case, one must be very proactive. Training course and school search must be done by the employee.

meet Marta Ginénez


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